Project sponsored by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia
Everyone can play an important role in a group, but for that, it is important to be in the right equipment.
How can we create High Performance Equipment? How important are the different functions and roles in a team? The Belbin methodology identifies the strengths of each member of a work group, and detects the most effective roles and functions they can fulfill in that team.
Belbin is a well-known methodology worldwide. Dr. Meredith Belbin and her team designed the Belbin Self-Perception Questionnaire in the 1980s after almost a decade of research at Henley Management College (UK). It is a behavioral test (not psychometric) designed to be applied in the field of work, and it is one of the most influential works in the field of industrial psychology internationally.
Today it is implemented in several languages to make the communication and operation of team members more efficient, both in the world of work and in the field of education.
Structure and methodology
This course will be developed entirely online. The online modality offers us great flexibility, because each participant can manage their dedicated space and time, within the marked deadlines.
Ikastaroa 6 unitatez osatuta dago. Unitate guztiek izango dituzte hausnarketarako planteamenduak, eduki teorikoak eta jarduerak. Gogoratu, unitate eta ikasgaiak burutu ahala, desaktibatuko zaizkizula hurrengoak; hau da, aurkeztutako pantaila guztiak ordenean osatzen joango zara.
At the end of the course you will have a final assessment, and after passing this, you will have a certificate available on the platform itself.