Direct and effective online training, putting people at the center of the learning process.
You are the protagonist of your learning process
Manage your dedicated time and space freely
Immerse yourself in our community, connect and build shared knowledge
Our courses
Estrategias lingüísticas en el deporte
Duración: 5 horas (individualmente), 3 horas (en grupo) / Idioma: euskera
Introducción a la Metodología Belbin
Duración: 5 horas / Idioma: castellano
Hizkuntzaren erabilera ez sexista
In this course we will talk about the importance of language in promoting equality between women and men. To reflect on the reality we build through language, to become aware and in favor of a non-sexist use...
BFA – Hizkuntza lidergoa
In this course we suggest you take a personal journey to develop language habits: notice the importance and role of languages in society,...
Liderazgo lingüístico: Transformando tus hábitos lingüísticos
We propose to make a personal journey through this course. Through this journey you will realize the importance of languages in society...
IKT-2 ikastaroa: konpetentzia digitalak garatzen
Duration: 25 hours / Language: Basque
IKT-1 ikastaroa: konpetentzia digitalak garatzen
Duration: 25 hours / Language: Basque
Hezkuntza Eraldaketa. Teknologia hezkuntza kalitatearen zerbitzura
Duration: 10 hours / Language: Basque
Orein community
The platform has a community character; it offers the opportunity to connect with other members, channelize relationships and participate in course forums.
Through discussions on different topics we manage to build and share knowledge in a collaborative way.
We foster a strong and participatory community, involving and motivating people in the teaching process.
Easy and intuitive navigation
The navigation of the courses is linear, the units are completed in order, and if you haven't seen the previous one, you won't be able to go to the next one.
All units have theoretical content and practical activities. At the end of the course you will have an evaluation, and if you pass, you will get a certificate.
Our team
Project sponsored by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia