Project sponsored by the Basque Government and the Provincial Council of Bizkaia
We know that sport is a strategic area in the normalization process of the Basque language, and you would have already realized that you have a great potential to increase the use of the language around you.
We have given you some keys in the previous awareness journey, which will highlight the importance of your attitudes and behavior and which will be useful for you to transform this.
Having reached this point, we encourage you to move from reflection to action. And to help you in this process, we provide you with some keys, tools and resources in this module.
Structure and methodology
This module will be developed entirely online. The online modality offers us great flexibility, because each participant can manage their dedicated space and time, within the marked deadlines.
The module consists of 4 sections, and in each section you will find different content and resources. Remember, as you complete the sections, the following ones will be deactivated; that is, you will complete all the presented screens in order.
At the end of the module we invite you to the space to share your experience and best practices. We will see each other there!