Activate: promoting the use of Basque in sport

Duration: 5 hours / Language: Spanish
Bidane Gartzia · 2020-04-04

Project sponsored by the Basque Government and the Provincial Council of Bizkaia

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Sport is a strategic framework in the process of normalization of the Basque language. Expand the possibility and the habit of enjoying Basque in the free time of girls and boys, adolescents, young people and adult persons is the main challenge and objective of this space.

Any entity (associations, clubs, schools) and person (coach, monitor, technical staff, president, doctor) in the sports field are important in this process, as we have the opportunity and responsibility to influence positively through a favorable attitude, each one in our measure.


In sport

Increase the use of Basque.

Between different speakers

work on empathy (Bidirectional)

Tender bridges

and build another reality.

Since his influence

Make possible the approach from people's experiences

For different reasons,

there is still a large part of the population that has a superficial relationship with Basque. Let the people who find themselves in this situation know that they are one of the keys to the normalization of the Basque language and that their contribution helps the process a lot.

Structure and methodology

This course will be developed entirely online. The online modality offers us great flexibility, since each participant can manage their space and time of dedication, within the marked times.

Activate se compone de 8 unidades. The two first units have as their objective to give some brushstrokes on the influence of the language in society and in people, as a way of localization.

From the third unit, focused on the sports field, you will be able to identify the barriers to the use of Basque and know the attitudes and strategies that can be useful to do more.

At the end of the course you will have the final evaluation, and once you pass it, you will have the certificate available on the platform itself.

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Ikastaroa Includes

  • 8 Lessons
  • 32 topics
  • 1 Quiz