Hizkuntza Lidergoa: ohiturak eraldatzen

Iraupena: 5 ordu Hizkuntza: euskara
Bidane Gartzia · 2022-08-30

I am Nahia

during this course a personal journey I suggest you do: notice the importance and role of languages in society, learn about the concepts and elements that influence attitudes and behaviors, become aware of what you do and, if you're good at it, I'll help you change your language habits. 

You will be my guide in that internal process that you will carry out during the course. Ready to hit the road?



about the interaction between language and society.


on the situations of the languages and the imbalances between them.

of Basque

to know life development.


the importance and consequences of attitudes and behaviors.

In the use of language

noting the importance of commitment and motivation of the speakers.

Structure and methodology

Ikastaro honen bakarkako lanketa hau online garatuko dugu. Online modalitateak malgutasun handia eskaintzen digu, partaide bakoitzak kudeatu ditzakeelako bere dedikazio espazio eta denbora, markatutako epeen barruan. 

The course consists of 5 units. All units will have reflection approaches, theoretical content and activities. Remember, as you complete the units and lessons, the following will be deactivated; that is, you will complete all the presented screens in order. 

Amaieran azken ebaluazioa izango duzu, eta hau gaindituta, ziurtagiria izango duzu eskuragarri plataforman bertan.

Azken atal gisa, taldekako saioa izango dugu, zuzenean, gune birtualetik.

The course covers several sociolinguistic concepts. These definitions are taken from the Sociolinguistics Manual published by the Basque Government and the Sociolinguistics Cluster.

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Ikastaroa Includes

  • 7 Lessons
  • 42 topics
  • 1 Quiz
  • Ikastaroa Certificate